Fehmalee's Island Chicken
I come from a large family and during the spring/summer periods there are always back to back family gatherings to attend. What's great is each family unit would bring a dish. My mother is the jerk chicken/jerk pork lady. When she prepares her jerk dishes you will lick your fingers twice. Here's my version of her jerk chicken.
Ingredients: 1 whole chicken with backbone removed or 4 chicken leg & thighs, 3tbsp Fehmalee's Kitchen island Seasoning, 3tbsp sweet soy sauce, 2tbsp olive oil, 1/2 cup pimento berries (allspice), 5 dried bay leaves, 1/2 cup Sweet larger (beer) such as: Red Stripe, Heineken, Cobra, Tiger.
In a bowl add island seasoning, soy sauce, olive oil, larger and stir to combine. Marinade chicken in mixture and place in refrigerator for 2-24 hours (maximum if left to marinade overnight). Remove chicken from fridge and allow it to get to room temperature (1-2 hours) before cooking. Place chicken evenly on a grill rack in a roasting tray and grill in a 190C oven for 1 hour or until chicken is cooked and the juices run clear. Turn off oven and let chicken sit for 10 minutes then serve with a wedge of lemon or lime.
Note- BBQisland chicken baste: In a bowl add 1tbsp of Fehmalee's Kitchen island Seasoning, 1/4 cup beer, 1tsp soy sauce, 1tsp olive oil. Mix to combine and brush on chicken to baste while on grill.
If I'm using the BBQ grill: Remove chicken from fridge and allow it to get to room temperature (1-2 hours) before cooking. Get your BBQ grill ready. In a bowl add 1 1/2 cups of pimento berries (allspice), bay leaves and enough water to just cover the berries. Set aside for 15 minutes then drain off water. Place chicken in a 190C oven (middle shelf) and cook for 15-20 minutes. Once chicken is pre-cooked and your BBQ grill is ready (you will know when it's time to cook once charcoal looks very ashy) throw pimento berries and bay leaves on charcoal then place chicken on grill, baste and brown each side then cover with lid to finish off cooking process (60-90 minutes) and to allow pimento vapours to infuse chicken . When chicken juices runs clear it's ready to serve.